Your responsibilities for maintaining documentation online

As you may know, from 1 April 2014, all brokers and insurers are required to remove from circulation any documents including obsolete references to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) the current regulator.

As a broker, it is your responsibility to remove obsolete policy documentation from all websites, managed directly or in your name, even if the documents were supplied by other parties, such as insurers. When we become aware that a site is in breach, we are flagging appropriately, but it is not possible for RSA to audit all brokers’ and third party websites.

Please be aware that even when documents have been ‘archived’ or the menu links to the pages where they are published have been removed, search engines may still be able to find these documents. So it is vital that you complete a full and active audit of any site materials to ensure that documents and references are now removed.

If you are permitted to publish RSA documentation, please ensure that you have removed any obsolete references to RSA’s regulatory status.

The following website provides some further details on technical archive and caching issues that you may need to consider in ensuring the complete removal of these documents.


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